Travel Destinations10 Largest Monuments of the World You Must Visit...

10 Largest Monuments of the World You Must Visit Once


From the medieval time to the modern era, there are many monuments and structures have been constructed. Some monuments are still standing tall with the course of time while some are ruined due to certain factors. If we discuss about the Great Sphinx which was constructed by the Egyptians of the Old Kingdom, then it was one of the biggest statues in the world of its period. And now from India, the Statue of Unity has raised the bar and set a good example of architectural brilliance in the world.

There are many monuments in the world which are worth watching but for you, we are listing the 10 largest monuments of the world which you must visit once in your lifetime. Check them out!!

1. Statue of Unity, Largest Monuments of the World

Location: India, Height: 182m 

The Statue of Unity is dedicated to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel who was one of the founding fathers of India as known as the Iron Man of India This states was introduced to people on Oct 2018 in Gujarat India. This huge monument is standing tall at the height of 597 feet and now it is the tallest statue in the world.

Largest Monuments of the World
Statue of Unity, Largest Monuments of the World

The statue of unity is built across the Sardar Sarovar dam near the city of Vadodara. The statue faces the Narmada Dam and is situated at the Narmada River near Rajpipla on a river island called Sadhu Bet. Within three and a half years, more than 3,000 workers and many engineers erected the statue. The Statue of Unity is composed of a museum, a 3-star lodging facility, a food court, a memorial garden and a grand museum.

Also Read: Famous Monuments Of India

2. Spring Temple Buddha, Largest Monuments of the World

Location: China, Height: 153m

Spring Temple Buddha Statue is dedicated to Vairocana Buddha and it is situated at Lushan County, Henan in China. It served as the tallest states of the world from 2008 to 2018. After that Statue of Unity acquired his rank. You can reach at the top at this statue via stairs.

Spring Temple Buddha, Largest Monuments of the World
Spring Temple Buddha, Via:

On the 20 m high lotus throne, the statue is made up of 1100 bits of the copper cast. The glorious wonder is made of over 100 kg of gold, 3300 tons of metal and 1.500 tons of steel, which occupies a total area of over 11,000 square feet. The intricately painted copper over the statue gives it a brilliant appeal to travellers visiting it.

3. Laykyun Setkyar, Largest Monuments of the World

Location: Myanmar, Height 130m

Laykyun Setkyar is another example of architectural brilliance in the world which impress with its size. The monument of Laykyun Sekkya is dedicated to Buddha and it is situated in Khatakan Taung. Including its throne which is 13.5m and foundation, it has a total height of 130m if you exclude them that the statue is itself is 116m tall. It was constructed on top of Po Kaung Hills near the city of Monywa in central Myanmar.

Largest Monuments of the World
Laykyun Setkyar Myanmar, Via:

The world’s largest reclining Buddha statue lies at its feet. The Laykyun Setkyar was completed in 2008, and reclining Buddha was completed in 1991. Apart from this local people of Mayanmar attribute Laykyun Sekkya as a sacred symbol and a place of worship.

4. Ushiku Daibutsu

Location: Tokyo, Japan, Height: 110m

The Great Buddhas statue which is popularly known as the Ushiku Daibutsu is standing tall in the Ushiku city of Japan. The statue has a height of 110 meters without considering its foundation height which is around 10m. This whole statue of Buddha was made of Bronze.

Ushiku Daibutsu
Ushiku Daibutsu- Tokyo, Japan, Via:

Inside the statue there are four different levels, visitors can reach the top using the elevator. Visitors can hear beautiful music at the first level, the 2nd level completely devoted to scriptural study, the 3rd level houses 30000 Buddha statues. You can see the lovely gardens in the surroundings of the statue as you enter the top floor of the statue.

5. Guan Yin Statue, Largest Monuments of the World

Location: China, Height: 108m

The Chinese city of Sanya features the majestic statue of the goddess bodhisattva Guanyin situated on the south coast of Hainan Island. The sculpture of the goddess depicts three persons. The statue has three sections facing inland on one side and the other two facing the South China Sea.

Guan Yin Statue, Largest Monuments of the World
Guan Yin Statue, Largest Monuments of the World, Via: seriouslytravel.

The official opening of the Guanyin took place at the South Sea of Sanya in 2005. The landmark is located close to another prominent religious shrine, Nanshan Temple.

6. Sendai Daikannon

Location: Japan, Height: 100m

Sendai Daikannon is the biggest Kannon statue in the whole world, the statue strikes everyone who first sees it and leaves a memorial impression. This massive Kannon statue located in northern Sendai City reaches as high as 100m. Visitors can go inside the statue, where the interior is divided into 12 layers, and view the 108 Buddha statues enshrined inside.

Sendai Daikannon, Via:

Visitors can reach the top by elevator and enjoy a panoramic view from the cityscape of Sendai to the Pacific Ocean. You can walk inside and look down to see the breathtaking scenery of Izumi-Ku.

7. Qinzhou Qianyan Guanyin

Location: Weishan, China, Height: 99m

It is also known as ‘Guishan Guanyin of the Thousand Hands and Eyes’ and it is the fourth-tallest statue in China. It is standing tall in Weishan, Hunan county, People’s Republic of China. This gilded bronze monument representing Guanyin with 32 arms and stands on a Lotus throne mounted on a pedestal.

Qinzhou Qianyan Guanyin
Qinzhou Qianyan Guanyin, Via:

With the support of local business and religious organizations, the Ningshan County Government spent 260 million yuan to complete its construction in 2009. This beautiful statue depicts Avalokitesvara, also known as Guanyin, the compassion, kindness and love related Buddhist bodhisattva. In Buddhism six Guanyin gods are revered; one of these is the Guanyin “thousand-hand.”

8. Peter the Great Statue

Location: Russia, Height: 98m

Peter the Great Statue is located in central Moscow, at the western confluence of the Moskva River and the Vodootvodny Canal. It was designed to celebrate the Russian Navy’s 300th anniversary, that Peter the Great founded. The statue was completed in 1997. Peter 1st (Peter the Great) was a Russian Emporer and statue is designed by the world-famous Georgian architect Zurab Tsereteli.

 Largest Monuments of the World
Peter the Great Statue, Moscow, Russia, Via:

This whole statue weighs about 1,000 tons! Tsereteli made several other art projects for Russia including the War Memorial Complex of Poklonnaya Gora, the Manege Square Ensemble, and the Christ the Savior Cathedral.

9. Great Buddha, Largest Monuments of the World

Location: Thailand, Height: 92m

The Great Buddha of Thailand is renowned around the world by various names such as The Big Buddha of Thailand or sometimes the Phra Buddha Maha Nawamin, and Mahaminh Sakayamunee Visejchaicharn. The construction of this statue started in 1990 and completed in 2008. The entire statue of Buddha is created by cement and then covered with golden paint by the principles of Theravada Buddhism.


The Buddha’s in a sitting role called Maravijaya Attitude. The statue was designed by order of the first abbot of Wat Muang temple, Phra Kru Vibul Arjarakhun, to mark the anniversary of Thailand ‘s King Bhumibol. The monument can now be seen from distant, reflecting the fame of both the Province of Ang Thong and Thailand.

10. Dai Kannon of Kita no Miyako

Location: Japan, Height: 88m

This statue is dedicated to Kannon (Guanyin) – Byakue Kannon. The monument depicts the bodhisattva Guanyin or Avalokitesvara. In other locations and by locals, it is also known as the Hokkaido Kannon and the Byakue Kannon. It was considered the tallest statue in the world when it opened in 1989 and held this world record till 1991. It is also the third-largest statue of Japan.

Dai Kannon of Kita no Miyako, Largest Monuments of the World
Dai Kannon of Kita no Miyako, Via:

These monuments are from the latest statics, apart from them, there are other monuments too which are a fine example of architectural beauty and showcase culture. They are Statue of Liberty, Emperors Yan and Huang, The Motherland Calls etc, which you can also visit your international trips.

Also Read: Statue of Liberty: Know Everything About Iconic Monument of US

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